Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Famous French Writers

Many famous works in literary world have come to us from the French. You must have read one of those books written by these authors. Many of may have read books written by famous French writers when were children and then got lost in the vivid picture painted by words woven by these writers.

Here are two of the most famous French writers:

Biographies Memoirs

Victor Hugo -- Who can forget Les Miserables, Notre Dam de Paris? He was born in the year 1802 in Besancon and he lived in France for majority of his life. He was greatly influenced by François-René de Chateaubriand. Most of us do not know that he was also influenced by the movement of Romanticism. He fell in love with his childhood sweetheart and only married her after his mother death in 1821. And, that lady or the love of his life was known as Adele. He was known to describe himself as a humanitarian first and used most of his literature woks to reflect on the human conditions and also towards the injustice prevalent in the then French society.

Famous French Writers

Alexandre Dumas -- His books are widely read and he is also considered to be the most read author in French literature. He was very adventurous in his writing and that is what was mostly enjoyed in his writings. Some of his famous novels are:

o The Man in the Iron Mask
o The Nutcracker
o The Three Musketeers (this title still holds enough power and was used in the famous film Slumdog Millionaire, where the brothers call themselves after the first 2 musketeers).

Famous French Writers

Pauline Go is an online leading expert educator. She also offers top quality articles like :
Famous Writer Biography, Emily Dickinson Biography

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