Saturday, June 23, 2012

Memoir Writing - How To Get The Best Out of Your Client

The Great American Novel - My Memoirs

Sure, everyone has a dream about writing or having their life story written for others to read. Each of us have a unique and interesting story to tell, but it does take some skill and determination to see this through. If you're a ghostwriter just starting out, you may be in a quandry over the best way to write a memoir or to even get the important or special points of interests in this person's life. The old saying, "It Takes Two to Tango" is a popular adage and it holds true for the working relationship between the client and the ghostwriter.

Biographies Memoirs

Here are my facts, what else do you need?

Memoir Writing - How To Get The Best Out of Your Client

A client must be willing to work just as diligently as the ghostwriter on this project. It's not a matter of handing over a page of notes and then a fantastic novel is produced. The client is the cornerstone of this project and needs to stay involved with the writer.

Who, What, Where, When and Why and how did you feel about it?

If you are the client, don't be surprised if the ghostwriter does several in-depth interviews with you. It's not that the short term memory is gone, they are trying to get a grasp of your personality, what kind of person you are, and basically, what makes you tick. What triumphs have you had in your life? How did it make you feel? What major hardships have you had in your life? How did it make you feel? The writer will ask you a million questions and may even ask you to write about several points in your life and give more detail. Why, did you feel the way that you felt, How did others react? and so on. It's not that the writer is pushing the work on to you, the client, they are trying to get the best and most accurate essence of yourself.

I don't feel comfortable talking about a specific period in my life - What should the writer do?

If the client feels uncomfortable, perhaps names and identities should be "fictionalized". There isn't anything wrong with this tactic. You are simply protecting yourself and others that may be perceived in a negative or awkward way. The client should be open and honest with the writer at all times. If the client feels uncomfortable with opening up to the writer, this is a signal that perhaps they should continue shopping for another ghostwriter. Everyone is different and it might take some time to get your story just right.

But believe me, it will be worth the time and effort.

Memoir Writing - How To Get The Best Out of Your Client

Taryn Simpson is a published author and freelance writer with over 15 years of HR experience. Ms. Simpson owns her own writing company, Simpson - E Publishing which offers clients ghostwriting of novels/articles, web content, brochures, newsletters, press releases and more. Feel free to review my online presskit:

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