Tuesday, November 6, 2012

A Long Way Gone - Memoirs of a Boy Soldier

Literature Reflection

Reflection 1

Writing can be a very effective tool in helping to understand a problem. By writing a problem out on paper you can see it in its entirety. You have the opportunity to see the beginning, middle, and end all at the same time. When you are living in a problem you only focus on the events that are happening at that moment. You don't have the opportunity to step back and see how that event will affect something else, how it could change you. When you write the whole problem out you see how the little events interact with each other and how the end result got to be.

A Long Way Gone - Memoirs of a Boy Soldier

Writing can be a big help in finding a way to work through and fix problems. You can use it as a way to heal yourself and understand why the problem had to take place. I personally use writing as a way to get all of my problems physically out of my head. Usually once I see my problem neatly laid out on paper (usually in the form of a poem) I can find a way to worth through the problem. Ishmael used writing as a way to bring himself back into a time when he was happy, when everything was right. He was able to rediscover his "childhood that was almost lost." When I write the ideas, thoughts, my worries, just all my emotions just flow onto the page. Most of the time I don't know what I'm going to write about until it is there in front of me. I find that writing helps me fix my problems by first showing me what they are.

Writing can be used in many different ways, but there is a way that could help anyone. Writing can either take you back to a time that you wish you could return to, or it can take you to a place you wish you could go to. Writing can just take you away. Writing can bring you peace, it can clear your head, and it can make almost everything better, even if it is just a little bit. Writing is a great took to start the healing process. My personal writing has saved me mentally from many situations. It has freed my mind.

Reflection 2

A Long Way Gone was written by a college student about his life, mostly of when he was a young child. Many people have a hard time regarding this material as truth. They don't believe that one would be able to remember that much in that much detail. These people will admit that the horrible events did actually take place, but aren't sure if ever detail is correct. They wonder how much we can actually trust what we read.

There are certain events in a person's life that they can't forget. Even if they would like to, it is imprinted on their minds. The events that Ishmael talks about are those very types of events. How could a person forget that? He tries to block them out, but over and over again he tells us about the dreams he has from his days in the army. He will never be able to fully recover from what he suffered. Ishmael also talks about a time when his father would give him something special that was supposed to help their memories for their tests in class. Ishmael isn't sure it actually worked, but he talks about how he could remember everything almost as if it were a "photograph" in his mind. Ishmael has a very wonderful memory; I especially don't feel like he could forget such dramatic and horrific events as the ones he suffered through as a boy soldier.

I feel that we should regard memoirs such as A Long Way Gone as truth. We should keep in mind that some of the edges of memory fade over time; some little detail may have slightly changed, but that the whole story as a whole is true. We need to look at all the information we receive critically, but honestly. Look at the reason the book, passage, lecture, or memoir was written.

Reflection 3

A Long Way Gone makes us look at war in a way none of us wish to. We have all seen war portrayed in movies, in the media and books, mostly from an outside perspective. This powerful book makes us look at war from the eyes of one scared boy participating it in. He is forced to participate just to survive. We see it from a whole new set of eyes. He doesn't sugar coat the situation, making it seem better then it is. He just tells us straight out what he saw and what he felt. Through Ishmael's eye's we see inhumanity towards other men, suffering of the innocent, and what all this fighting can do each person.

Ishmael was taught to kill with out emotion. He was taught not to look at the person and decide with compassion, but to just look at the situation. They taught him the situation was desperate and the only way to survive would be to obliterate the competition. They gave him no hope for a compromise. It was their way or death.

If I was placed in that kind of situation I would have a hard time. I would have a huge struggle against my will to be able to just take a human life with no thought behind it. I would personally think about it to much. Ishmael and the other soldiers just saw the rebels as something in the way of their goal, something to be destroyed, not as another human being. They had that thought imprinted so deeply in their mind some never could get it out.

My future would be dramatically affected if I had been forced into that sort of conflict. I would never be able to get those imagines out of my head. I wouldn't know how to move on with life. Ishmael found a way to be happy. I would struggle with the memories of the pain I had caused. Ishmael was strong because he found a way he could live again.

Reflection 4

Ishmael's friend began to ask him about his past. They asked if he had "witness[ed] some of the fighting." He replied, "Everyone in the country did." They asked him, "You mean you saw people running around with guns and shooting each other?" He told them that he saw that "all the time." His friend thought that was "cool." Ishmael then smiled to himself about what they thought.

People have a tendency to glamorize things such a war and fighting. I'm sure that if Ishmael's friends read this book and saw it through the eyes of one that had actually taken part in the fighting they would feel differently. They would have to see the pain and destruction that something they thought was "cool" caused.

Everything in someone's past helps to shape their future; whether that is for good or for bad is up to them. Your past helps shape your future. You can let your past either build you and your future into something you want, or you can let it destroy all you have worked for. It's all up to you. You can't change your past. You can only change how you will let it affect your future. There are some things you need hold close and cherish, and other things you need to leave behind. Every person is different and what they need is unique.

We have the ability to be whoever and whatever we wish to become. We are the master painter sitting before his pearly canvas. Our past is the brush, we have the choice where it moves and how it moves. The paint is our future. It is new and slowly starts to show the grand picture. We have to decide how we want our painting to turn out. What we have done can't be redone, but we can use it to shape the picture into something beautiful. We have the capacity to create wonderful beautiful creations. We just have to believe, be brave enough to pick up the paint brush.

Reflection 5

Ishmael turned to music when he needed something. He let it touch him and take him away from everything. Ishmael had a passion for Rap music. He had a love for the stories behind the music. He let the music take over his mind and body. He loved to just sing and dance to the beat.

Music has always been a huge influence in my life. Whether I was playing or listening it has always touched my soul. Music is so full of expression and emotion. It has a way to say exactly what I was feeling without me knowing it. There is always music for every situation and mood. Whether I need to listen to beautiful inspiring music while I was writing, something that told a story full of emotion and wonder with out the use of words; or need something with a little more spirit behind it to lift me out a funk, music is there. I have never been left alone when I could find music. There has always been something there when I needed it.

Music has a very powerful way of touching the soul. It penetrates deep into a person like nothing else in the world can. Music can touch people everywhere. You don't need to understand the words, or even have words in order to feel the power music can bring. Music can inspire and lift the very soul. Music takes us away. It mesmerizes the very soul. Music is medication for the heart and soul. The notes can lift us up and carry us on a wondrous journey if only we will allow them to, if only we can allow the music to touch our very souls and feel the healing contained there.

A Long Way Gone - Memoirs of a Boy Soldier
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