Friday, May 18, 2012

Building Affiliate Programs That Pay

Every affiliate marketer is constantly seeking to build an affiliate program that pays so they can make money on the Internet. Ideally you would like a magic quick fix that would generate your affiliate program with no effort, wouldn't all of us! The truth is that there isn't really a miracle answer, but the real answer is not that complicated and is easy to get to know and implement.
In principle it is the appreciation and utilization of excellent marketing practices that have been proven to perform over the years. These are time-tested tactics that work just as well when correctly applied to the online affiliate marketing world of today. You will see claims of 'breakthrough techniques' from time to time, and some of these are genuine. They arise from a coming together of specific marketing conditions and online services; but they do not last as the conditions and services change constantly.

So here are three fundamental marketing tips to help you construct a strong foundation for your online affiliate marketing business that pays.

1. Use separate web pages for each separate product you are promoting.

It is very tempting, especially for newcomers, to want to promote every product via every channel so that you are presenting your visitors with options - but it's a wrong move. It may be tempting to offer choice, but keep to a single track so as to get your visitor to make a simple decision, to buy or not to buy. You will get a better conversion rate this way.

Use the web page's space to give your visitor all the reasons why they should click that 'Buy Now' button. Emphasize the benefits they will receive from their purchase, especially any distinguishing ones. It is the benefits that people buy, not the features.

Include genuine product reviews, buy and try the product yourself, and get real testimonials from end users. Make sure they are genuine and that you can back up the sources if you are challenged.

Finally, make sure your visitors know what to do - make your affiliate link very clear and bright.

2. Offer free reports to your visitors.

It's a fact of marketing that most visitors to your site will not buy first time They need to trust that you and your recommendations will be right for them than other's will be. So you should be wanting to contact them several times to build the right degree of trust. Hence you need their email address - and to get that you offer something of value; your free report.

Once you have that address you can send carefully written emails giving them good reasons for buying, and buying through your link, using an auto-responder system,. Market studies show that many sales are not concluded until the seventh contact, so build a sequence of at least 10 contact messages.

3. Drive targeted buying visitors to your website.

For example, if your website was about a puppy training product then there is no point in you wasting any of your time or money driving someone who is only interested in cats there. This is especially true when you are using a 'paid traffic' method such as Pay Per Click'. Study other ads, try variations - always be seeking to improve your buying and list sign up results

In summary

\* Promote products on their own pages or websites

\* Build a list of prospects using a free report and then use it to build trust

\* Work hard to attract the ideal customer

Work smart, repeat a successful campaign with another product, search out the affiliate programs that pay for you so you can be successful at making money on the Internet.

To Your Success!

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