Friday, December 14, 2012

Video Memoirs - Best Ways to Include Photos

Video memoirs - featuring the subject talking about their life recorded to video - are an increasingly popular choice for people interested in preserving their own personal biography or that of someone they know. Written memoirs still command the greatest number of adherents, and still allow you to include the greatest amount of information, but video biography has the advantage of being able to preserve personality. It is hard to convey a subject's humor in writing - and almost impossible to record their emotion the same way video can.

A video memoir also has the advantage when it comes to pictures and photographs. Images can be incorporated into a video memoir seamlessly and in a number of easy (and some more challenging) ways. They can be made to show up right at the very moment when the subject is covering that point (rather than being gathered randomly in the middle - which is often the case with written memoirs). Color is not problem and adds no expense and there is really no limit to the number of images you can include in a video memoir.

So, you have decided you are going to embark on a video biography and you want images. The options for including photographs in a video biography can be broken down into A. incorporation "in camera" and B. inclusion during the editing process. If you are new to video editing, you may find it easier to include images during filming ("in camera"). If you are more confident with your editing program, you may want to wait for the editing to begin to include images. If you are confident, you can include photographs both in camera and during editing.

Video Memoirs - Best Ways to Include Photos

In camera photo inclusion

Including old images or even documents using your video camera is the fastest method of capturing and displaying photographs that are associated with your subject's life. If you are not going to edit the video tape at all (or if you don't know how to) then you can film the interview with you or the subject showing the images at the appropriate time.

There is more than one way to include photographs in your video memoir as you go along:

Allow your subject to show them to the camera: You film your subject talking and at the proper time you pass them a photograph and they hold it up in front of them towards the camera then talk about it. When they are finished they simply pass it back. It usually works best for the interviewer to give the photographs to the subject, rather than have them rummaging through piles looking for the one they want.

You can rely on your subject to choose the images as they go along, but be ready for sorting and shuffling on film that you may have to edit out later. If you do wish to leave the selection to your subject, then try positioning the camera across the table and have just a small selection of the images spread out in front of them.

Record your subject turning the pages of the book or photo album: Often, the images are still in a book or an album. Filming the subject from behind as they turn the pages of the album is often an attractive shot and it can give you some variation from the regular interview set up.

Shooting your video memoir subject flipping through the leaves of an album works particularly effectively when you have a historical album - especially when there are captions written by the subject. Watch out if you have a photo album with the plastic protection - reflections can mean that you cannot see the image at all.

Film the photograph right off the computer monitor: Increasingly, people are uploading their images to the web and to one of a plethora of photo hosting websites. If that's the position with your video biography subject, then you should be able to record the photos directly from the computer screen. You could ask your subject to scroll across the images, and you may even decide to position the computer screen in the background with an appropriately chosen image. (Depending on the light source on your subject, you may want to dial down the brightness of the computer monitor so that it is more in balance with your subject.)

Take care that your camera and your computer monitor are in synch (they usually are). It works best if your video camera is recording at 30 fps and the refresh rate of the monitor is some multiple of that - say 60 or 90 Hz.

Video an image in extreme close up: Another method to incorporate an image "in camera" for your video memoir is to video record the image on its on and in extreme close up. You will want to ensure that the photograph is set up where there is sufficient light and no reflections. And you will want to have the camera mounted on a tripod and then zoom in nice and close. Then, try panning across the face of the photograph, trying to keep the video camera within the image at all times.

You can also achieve this same effect during the editing process, with a higher degree of precision and control.

Photo inclusion during the editing process

We have seen a number of ways to include photos during the interview (or just before or after). A more common way is to include the images you have during editing. This is a little more involved than including photos within the video camera, but you will have more control and therefor will get a better result. For instance, you can take the opportunity to first correct any color, contrast or other problems with the photograph. And, not using the video camera, you won't have any camera shake or any bumpy or non-linear camera pans. Also, you will be able to get in very tight to show image details that may not have been apparent before.

So, you want to include images into your video memoir or video biography during editing? You need to first digitize your images with a scanner or with a digital still/SLR camera. Then, take the time to correct any problems with the image like poor color or contrast. Some photo editing software programs - like PhotoShop - will even allow you to fix tears and compensate for dust spots. It always enhances the video memoir, and give a more professional look, to use photographs which have had any distracting blemishes removed.

Video Memoirs - Best Ways to Include Photos
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Once all your photos have been carefully digitized, you can import them it into your video biography project and place them throughout the interview footage. You should take the time while editing to create and place appropriate captions, recording the who, what, when and where of the images you have chosen to include.

Green screen: Some video memoir professionals film the subject against a green screen and then later, during editing, replace the green with images relevant to the subject. The impact created using a green screen - if done carefully - can be very powerful. Other video biographers prefer to situate their subjects in their own homes in more natural settings - surrounded by their own furniture and possessions. And maybe even a family photograph in a frame on the side table (that would be another instance of "incorporation in camera".)

How long should photographs be allowed to remain on the screen in your video memoir? That depends on several things like how engaging the image is, its condition (less time if it is out of focus or damaged), the amount of detail in the photograph, how many other photographs you have available to include in the video biography, and the final project length. Images can be effective if shown for as little as six seconds or for as long as thirty seconds.

Good luck with your project. If you need professional help then there is more than one company producing Video Memoirs & Video Biographies who stand ready to assist with your project. We're here to help!

But don't be put off by aspirations toward perfection in your own video memoir. When it comes to family history and personal biography, the important thing is to start. Any project - started & completed - is better than a more perfect... nothing.

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Sunday, December 9, 2012

Book Review - Quiet Strength by Tony Dungy

Many people know Tony Dungy as the NFL head coach who took Peyton Manning and the Indianapolis Colts to the Super Bowl in 2007. You may also know from watching him on television as an announcer and just from watching his mannerisms that he is a decent guy. But many of us have no idea about his upbringing and the people and experiences that made him who he is today. Quiet Strength is a memoir which was written after Dungy's super bowl victory and one of the most impactful years of his life.

The book takes us through Tony's life in chronological order, starting with his childhood and home life. Dungy had two straight-forward, moral parents. He mentions in his book how they instilled a sense of calmness in him and the difference between right and wrong. Dungy always says that when he is frustrated or wants to confront someone, he must think back to what his dad used to tell him, and figure out if yelling out will accomplish anything and actually make his situation better. You can tell from the beginning of the book that Dungy is, and always has been a family man.

As a teenager, Tony was an excellent athlete. He played varsity high school basketball and football. As a tall, slender, muscular young man, he excelled in basketball and was actually a quarterback on the football team. He was so good in fact that he went on to play football at the University of Minnesota. Dungy played a solid four years for the Golden Gophers and thought that he had a solid chance of playing in the NFL. One thing though, he did not have the typical build or college statistics of a NFL quarterback and would have to work his way onto a professional team the hard way. He was skeptical about getting drafted, and his suspicions proved to be right as he never received a call from a pro team. However, the Steelers eventually gave him a chance and signed him as a free agent to play in their defensive backfield.

Book Review - Quiet Strength by Tony Dungy

Dungy made the most of his time at the Steelers organization. He felt comfortable in Pittsburg because the ownership was more like a family to him than just a boss. He made the team as a defensive back due to his smaller size and won a Super Bowl during the short time he was there. Dungy happened to be playing for the very best team of that time and ended up with a ring during one of his three years as a player. Although he did play pro football, he knew his days in the NFL were limited and needed to think of another job he could perform once his playing days had ended. As an intelligent young man who had experience as both a quarterback and defensive back, he was in a unique position to become an excellent coach.

Tony held several coaching jobs for teams such as the Minnesota Golden Gophers in the NCAA, and the Pittsburg Steelers, Kansas City Chiefs, and Minnesota Vikings in the NFL. Dungy knew all of the right people at the teams he used to play for and they accelerated him on his coaching career due to his diligence and character. His first head coaching job came after several years of being a coordinator and assistant coach. The Glazers, owners of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, hired him as their head coach. The Glazers and Dungy had a great relationship throughout his entire career in Tampa Bay. They fully supported him and his straight-forward ideas about running a complete football team. Dungy ended up bringing his team to the NFC championships several years in a row, but could never quite reach the biggest game. The Glazers therefore decided to release Coach Dungy. Not only did he get fired, but his coaching staff did as well. This is what bothered Tony the most; he had a feeling that he could find another job in the NFL, but he had an awful time knowing his assistant coaches, hand-picked by Coach Dungy himself, may not have such a future.

Not long after being fired from the Buccaneers' organization and not know what God had planned for him, Coach Dungy returned home one day to find a message from the owner of the Indianapolis Colts. The Colts owner told him that he recently fired his coach, and knew that Tony would be the perfect fit for the head coaching job in Indianapolis. Tony and his new boss would develop a football team as part of the community, not just to win games. Tony's ideas of morality, self-accountability, and family-first for his football players would work well in Indianapolis.

Coach Dungy inherited an exceptional offense in Indianapolis, lead by Peyton Manning. The defense needed work and confidence, but with Dungy's help, they were quickly playing on a whole different level. The team started to make the playoffs every year where they usually encountered their rivals, the New England Patriots. The Patriots usually got the best of the Colts, but not in 2007. Dungy won nearly all of his regular season games, beat everyone in the playoffs, and then destroyed the Chicago Bears in the NFL Super Bowl. Coach Dungy became the first African American head coach to win the Super Bowl, and instantly knew he had to apply his knowledge and fame to make the world a better place. Dungy knew that as a successful black man with such an important title and a world championship to his name, he could make an impact.

Tony Dungy has always been an extremely busy man, working seven days a week, usually with only a few hours sleep. However, he always has found the time to do charitable work. This includes church work, starting charitable organizations with his wife, Lauren, and running All Pro Dad. This organization focuses on making fathers all across the nation into better people, and to teach these men to be there for their kids. The concept is simple, yet profoundly important. Imagine how many kids in this world do not know who their fathers are and how they do not have a male presence in their life. All Pro Dad teaches fathers and even male figures to be role models to the younger people in the world.

While Coach Dungy has shown himself to be a great man and a noble person, it is what he does behind the scenes that truly makes him great; he puts his family first and always makes them his number one priority. Not only do Tony and Laura have numerous kids of their own, they have started to adopt. Since they are in such a fortunate position in the world and financially well-off, they have made better lives for black orphan children. Anyone who has children knows that they can be a blessing, but difficult at times. Often in life children can bring incredible happiness, but also sad moments as well. The first child Tony and Laura adopted is missing a critical gene which would allow him to feel pain. Since the child cannot feel pain, his parents must watch the child at all times to make sure he is not doing anything which may unknowingly harm him.

Most of Coach Dungy's book is uplifting and has a positive vibe, but there is a part of the book which takes the reader by surprise. During Dungy's 2007 championship season, he received a call in the middle of the night. Everyone knows that middle of the night calls are never good, and this call was heart breaking; Coach Dungy's son, Jamie, had committed suicide. Dungy says repeatedly that he will never know what caused Jamie to take his own life, but he knows that Jamie had placed God first in his life and is undoubtedly in Heaven now. It is very sad to read about terrible things that happen to such great people, but Dungy put a positive spin on the situation. He said that Jamie blessed their lives for eighteen years and he should be remembered for all the joy he brought. Jamie never had an enemy and made friends very easily. From what Tony Dungy wrote about Jamie, it is very clear that Jamie was just as good of a person as his father.

After reading Coach Dungy's memoir, one thing is evident: Coach Dungy lives his life for God. Life will put you through the highest of high moments and the lowest of lows. The thing that makes us all different and special is how we react to these situations. Dungy has learned to persevere through the tough spots in life and to stay modest through the championship-caliber moments. Tony Dungy is a role-model for everyone and we all can learn a positive lesson from reading his book. This book is rated 5 out of 5.

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Daniel Breedlove is the owner and manager of Corner Office Books, the internet's premier website on business book reviews and sales. For hundreds of reviews of the best business books available, visit the website at

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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Book Review For "Dreams From My Father"

"Dreams From My Father," is a moving story about President Obama's early years. It focuses on race and its inheritance. It's the journey of a young man searching to discover himself in his roots. Along the way there are friends and challenges to stimulate him. "Dreams From My Father" is an elegant and compelling read.

Composed in 1996, Barak Obama reveals his roots, their discoveries, and the impressions left on him. The book starts with Obama as a young boy living in Hawaii with his mother and her parents. He has no memories of his father, only stories that his mother and grandparents tell. Obama comes from a mixed heritage - a white mother and a black father who lives in Kenya. His mother is open minded, idealistic, naïve in one sense, world-wise in another. His grandparents love him unconditionally. As a young boy, his mother marries a man from Indonesia and they go to live there. Obama speaks fondly of his step-father, and learns several life lessons from him, but unfortunately his mother's relationship with his step-father doesn't last. His mother send s him back to Hawaii to live with his grandparents so he can attend a prestigious Hawaiian school. Soon, his mother and sister go back to Hawaii, but he stays with his grandparents which give him a sense of consistency. He learns his grandfather's strengths and weaknesses, but never really comes to see him as the father figure he's seeking.

Obama has one encounter with his father when he's ten in Hawaii. Obama is a little in awe, a little overwhelmed. His father's visit isn't long and leaves Obama with more questions than answers.

Book Review For "Dreams From My Father"

The book then moves on to cover Obama's life in Chicago as a community organizer. It's challenging work that is rarely rewarding, but Obama gives it his all. Then a relative from Kenya calls to tell him his father has died, but Obama's not quite sure how to feel about that or how to react. Several weeks later, his Kenyan half-sister, Auma, makes contact with him. Auma gives him a peek into his father's life in Kenya. Obama is intrigued by the life Auma leads and wants to learn more about their father. Before he leaves community organizing to go to Harvard Law School, he makes arrangements to visit Auma in Kenya.

In Kenya, Obama discovers a family he didn't even know. His father had at least four wives, and Obama has a slew of brothers and sisters who are living in their father's shadow. Obama and Auma visit with one their grandfather's wives, "Granny." She tells Obama's father and grandfather stories to him. It's a riveting tale of two people and it helps to define those aspect of Obama's self and his heritage he was seeking.

"Dreams From My Father," is an engrossing read. Verbose at times, Obama's personal stories are heartwarming and easily connect with readers. The book defines the "mettle" behind a man - and a president.

Book Review for "Dreams From My Father"
Written by: Barack Obama
3 Rivers Press
ISBN: 978-1-4000-8277-3
442 pages
4.5 Stars

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StephB is an author who can be found at In her spare time she likes to read many books and a variety of different genres. StephB is an author at http://www.Writing.Com/ which is a site for Creative Writing.

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Monday, November 26, 2012

Book Review - The Devil in Pew Number Seven

It is a rare event, to be sure. Usually, my review of the book I am reading is already coming together in my mind as I read, because I react to certain passages in a particular manner and am obviously aware of whether my reading experience is an enjoyable one.

But there have been a couple of occasions when I've been unsure about what I wanted to express in my review, even after I've finished reading the book. The most stunning example of that phenomenon occurred recently as I finished reading The Devil in Pew Number Seven, a memoir by Rebecca Nichols Alonzo.


Book Review - The Devil in Pew Number Seven

Becky's father, Robert Nichols, was a divorced hell-raiser who, following a Navy stint, enjoyed drinking and brawling. In his mid-20's, he had a conversion experience, during which he became a Christian and completely changed his lifestyle. As Alonzo describes it, he became obsessed with studying the Bible and, although he never attended seminary or received any formal theological education, began his career as an evangelist within six months. When he met Alonzo's mother, Ramona, she was a church organist who had also been married once before. He was conducting a multi-night revival at the Church of God in Bogalusa, Louisiana, and Ramona was instantly attracted to Robert. She was relieved when he cautiously returned her affection. Six weeks later, they married and embarked upon a joint ministry of music and the Word.

Called to the Free Welcome Holiness Church in the tiny community of Sellerstown, North Carolina, in late 1969, the Nichols were soon blessed with their first child, daughter Becky. The parsonage they settled into was across the street from the home of a "wealthy, well-connected, and respected businessman," Horry James Watts, then age 65. Watts wielded power both in the congregation (even though he wasn't a member) and community, and became increasingly incensed as the new pastor's popularity and influence grew, while his power base diminished. A parish made up of a mere 12 members when Nichols arrived soon outgrew its physical facilities and the construction of a larger church was planned.

The small church had seven rows of pews on either side of the center aisle, and Watts took up residence during each worship service in the last row, number seven, from which he made faces and noises at Nichols as he preached in an attempt to disrupt the proceedings. Hence, the book's title. On occasion, he walked out before the service concluded, slamming the door loudly as he left.

Watts also engaged in a systematic war of terror with the pastor and his family. Threatening telephone calls and letters were just the beginning of an eight-year calculated attack designed to send the Nichols family packing, "crawling or walking... dead or alive." As Becky's father became more determined to stay in Sellerstown, Watts' attacks escalated in intensity. Telephone lines were cut and security lights shot out just before dynamite exploded near the parsonage and next-door church. Watts contracted with a local thug to run down Becky's father with his vehicle and make it look like an accident. The Nichols family nearly escaped death more than once.


Alonzo's tale of growing up in Sellerstown is easily one of the most disturbing books I have read in a very, very long time. The first chapter opens with seven-year-old Becky running out of her home -- her father had been wounded twice, her mother shot dead right in front of her, and the crazed gunman remained barricaded in Becky's bedroom holding his wife and infant child hostage -- to seek help. From the book's very first words, "I ran," Alonzo pulls her readers into a grim, true story punctuated by years of maliciously calculated, unspeakable acts of violence directed at a charismatic, but peace-loving pastor, the wife who was his partner in life and ministry, and their two very young children, by a crazed, power-hungry, and obviously evil community leader.

Convinced he was called to minister to his Sellerstown flock at any cost, Becky's father remained to model the kind of behavior Jesus exhibited toward his enemies. Remarkably, her mother stayed, as well, standing steadfast alongside her husband with Becky and, later, the Nichols' second child, Daniel, as Watts menaced their family, even when armed guards were posted around their residence. Watts knew no moral, ethical or legal boundaries. His catalogue of despicable stunts included killing innocent family pets as part of his quest to regain the power he once wielded over Nichols' congregants.

Alonzo has received exuberant praise for the book on several counts. That praise is, for a variety of reasons, well-deserved. The book is exquisitely drafted, telling her family's story with the same flair for dramatic tension that makes the best mysteries so much fun to read.

Unfortunately, despite Alonzo's expertly crafted prose, it is impossible to forget that the story unfolding page by page is completely true, especially when she recounts episode after torturous episode of mayhem, and chronicles its impact upon her entire family. Particularly gut-wrenching are her descriptions of the manner in which Watts' conduct served to persecute her and her younger brother, who was born with nerve damage because of the incidents their mother endured while carrying him. After one particularly virulent episode, Daniel was discovered sleeping in his crib, surrounded by shards of glass and debris. Had he rolled over, he would have suffered severe injuries... or worse. Alonzo believes that he was spared because the hand of God was upon him that night as he slept, peacefully unaware of and too young to comprehend the violent attack upon his family.

Ironically, when the Nichols family finally left Sellerstown, it was not at the hands of their long-time tormentor, Watts. Rather, Becky's mother was shot dead by Harris Williams, whose wife, Sue, was one of Ramona's closest friends. Williams, a thirty-five-year-old alcoholic, had a criminal record of domestic abuse. Against the advice of friends and relatives alike, Becky's mother was insistent that Sue take shelter from Williams in the parsonage with the Nichols family. "Momma said our home would be a temporary refuge until Sue could get things straightened out. I'd say that was ironic, considering how the parsonage had been the focal point of ten recent violent attacks," Alonzo writes. Williams, angered because Sue sought a restraining order against him, barged into the Nichols home as they sat down to supper on Maundy Thursday, March 23, 1978. He shot Becky's father twice.

"Harris turned and pointed the weapon toward Momma. Standing by the kitchen table and in front of the washing machine, she was unarmed; she held no knife, no gun, not even a chair to throw in her defense.

She cried out, "Jesus! Jesus!"

The gunman stood seven feet from the woman who had given me life, who, for almost eight years, had clothed me, fed me, and nurtured me. The one who filled my life with laughter, love, and lessons on forgiving others just as we had been forgiven by Jesus. None of that history mattered to this man.

Without hesitation, with a cold indifference to her precious life as our mother, he fired a single bullet to her chest."

So leave Sellerstown the Nichols family finally did, with one of them -- Ramona -- in a casket. Becky's father remained hospitalized for three weeks, recovering from his wounds, but he never really recovered at all. He was unable to attend his wife's funeral service. Five months later, he was well enough to preach a farewell sermon to his Sellerstown congregation, but his ministry was over. With his children, he moved to Mobile, Alabama, where family members cared for Becky and Daniel, and Robert spent his final years in and out of mental institutions. Prior to his wife's murder, a health scare culminated in a diagnosis of permanent damage to his heart, the cumulative result of Watts' torment of the gentle-spirited preacher. Becky and Daniel lost their surviving parent to a blood clot in his heart on October 5, 1984, when they were 14 and nine years old, respectively. At the time of his death, Robert Nichols was just 46 years old.

Williams was sentenced to life in prison for killing Ramona, but was released in 1999 and remained on parole a scant five years.

Eventually, sufficient evidence was gathered to also bring Watts and his accomplices to trial. He entered a plea of nolo contendere and was sentenced by a judge who should have recused himself. As he ordered Watts to spend 15 years in prison, with another five-year sentence to run concurrently, the judge practically nominated him for "citizen of the year," acknowledging that he had engaged in business transactions with Watts and, based upon his familiarity with Watts, found the charges against him surprising.

The genesis of The Devil in Pew Number Seven was Alonzo's receipt, when she was in her 20's, of her mother's diary. Begun in 1976, Ramona wrote: "To my darling daughter, Rebecca, I'm writing this book in hopes of answering some of the many questions you've asked, but at the tender age of 6, your little mind is not able to conceive. Your mom is talking to you down through the years... " Ramona described the love she had for her husband, their meeting and brief courtship, and, in the last entry, how excited they were to begin their ministry in Sellerstown. Ironically, she never penned a single word about the horrors that characterized the Nichols family's days in Sellerstown.

Alonzo told her family's story during a Bible study, after which a friend with connections in the publishing industry helped generate interest in a book. Believing Romans 8:28 ("God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.") to be the impetus for her new career, Alonzo says that "in my own amateur way, I began writing, believing I had been given a mission by God to get this story of forgiveness out there, to honor my parents' lives and to let people know that no matter what you go through in this life, God is there to help you through it."

The theme of the book is forgiveness. Specifically, Alonzo's ability to forgive both the man who murdered her mother before her seven-year-old eyes, as well as the man who destroyed her childhood through his heinous and unrelenting harassment of her family.

Plainly, Alonzo sees her parents as martyrs. She writes:

"I am so thankful that God gave me such amazing parents. Not many people these days can say that someone laid their lives down for their friends, but mine did and I'm so proud of them for standing in the line of fire for the sake of the gospel. I can't even imagine what their rewards are in heaven for enduring the five years of terrorism at the hands of a tormented man."

Therein lies my problem with The Devil in Pew Number Seven, and the reason it took some time for me to decide what I wanted to say about the book... and how I wanted to say it.

I understand why Alonzo needed to forgive those who persecuted her family, including the judge who violated his ethical duties and a correctional system that allowed Williams to be released far sooner than he should have been, for the sake of her own sanity, and in order to achieve a sense of peace and closure about the events she lived through as a very young child.

But for me, what's missing from Alonzo's narrative is an acknowledgment and discussion of her need to also forgive her parents. Alonzo portrays her parents as utterly blameless saints because they remained in Sellerstown in order to stand up to Watts, and serve as examples of faithfulness and resilience. Her single-minded portrayal of her parents robs from Alonzo's memoir a huge measure of authenticity and credibility.

But reading Alonzo's descriptions of the horrific incidents of violence directed at her family caused me to become increasingly angry not only at Watts, but at her parents. Given the terror that Alonzo endured -- the promotional material for her book begins with the sentence "Becky Alonzo never felt safe as a child" -- I find it incomprehensible that she was not angry, as well, and kept expecting her narrative to include a discussion of her anger at her parents and how she overcame it in the process of learning to forgive.

Thus, the message I took away from reading The Devil in Pew Number Seven was not related to forgiveness as much as judgment of others. Reading the book constituted an ongoing struggle for me not to judge Alonzo's parents -- and quite harshly, at that. As a mother, I simply cannot fathom how Ramona could allow her young daughter's life to be devoid of safety, security, and freedom from fear. I don't understand why Ramona did not stand up to her husband, telling him to put his pride and stubbornness aside for the sake of his family. Had he refused, she should have gathered up her children and retreated to safety. I simply could not relate to a woman who chose to continue living in perpetual terror to the point that, as a direct result, it caused her second child to be born damaged.

I was equally appalled that Alonzo's mother welcomed her friend, Sue, into the home where she was raising her own children, knowing not only that Sue's husband had a history of violent behavior, but also that he could easily locate his wife and child. There can be no argument that Ramona did not realize the danger, since she was urged by several of her own family members not to provide refuge to her friend because to do so risked her own safety and that of her family.

I was raised in a Christian home as a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (and its predecessor American Lutheran Church). The God with whom I became acquainted as I grew up would never ask a believer to take foolish chances or behave recklessly with regard to one's own children and their well-being. Rather, I was not taught that God expects blind obedience. Perhaps it is a matter of Biblical interpretation. My Lutheran pastors never interpreted the Bible literally, nor do I. And I do not believe that a shepherd is called to lay down his/her life for his/her flock under any and all circumstances, especially when the shepherd could take proactive measures that would make that ultimate sacrifice entirely unnecessary.

After all, God the creator bestowed our intellect upon us, along with other many other gifts. From him comes our ability to think, reason, analyze, and use the gift of intelligence to make good choices. I struggled while reading The Devil in Pew Number Seven with the fact that Alonzo's parents, in a very tangible sense, put the interests of their parishioners ahead not only of their own well-being, but, far more importantly, the needs of their own children. And from my perspective, that was neither brave nor deserving of martyrdom. It was, from my Lutheran theological perspective, quite foolhardy and, in its own way, an affront to the God who gives the gifts of wisdom, discernment, and rationality. I was sickened by the Nichols' failure to protect their children, as well as preserve their own health and well-being so that they could raise those children themselves, providing them guidance and wisdom until they became adults. In a real sense, the Nichols sacrificed their own children because, in the end, Watts succeeded in driving her father to a state of complete mental and physical breakdown that not only terminated his service as pastor of the Sellerstown congregation, despite his refusal to escape, but took his life a few years after his wife's murder. Becky and her brother were orphaned.

I'm sure that my viewpoint is also influenced by other factors beyond church doctrine including locale, the time period during which the events related by Alonzo occurred, and the manner in which women's roles, as well as the role of a pastor's spouse, have evolved and changed in the years since Ramona Nichols died. Ramona grew up in very different time and place than I did -- probably in both a household and congregation where subservience to one's husband, and certainly one's pastor, was modeled. I grew up in a home where neither spouse was subservient to the other; my parents' marriage was very much an egalitarian arrangement. The Lutheran church has always valued the contributions of its women members, and began ordaining women in 1970.

One thing is certain: Alonzo's compelling recitation of the events of her childhood is fascinating, thought-provoking, and would make an excellent selection for a Christian Bible study group or book club. It certainly provides a basis for discussions from which much can be learned by listening to others' reactions to the story.

Maybe the real legacy of Alonzo's parents is the opportunity their story provides to explore the myriad questions raised in the minds and hearts of other believers about the reasonableness of the Nichols' reactions to the situation they were thrust into, how improvements in law enforcement investigative techniques might today result in swifter action being taken not only to protect victims of violent crime, but also bring perpetrators of such heinous acts to justice, and the various other agencies and organizations that would intercede to support and assist the Nichols, including but not limited to groups that provide education about and shelter to victims of domestic violence.

One word that does not appear in Alonzo's tale is "will," but the book could serve as an excellent springboard to a discussion about what the term "God's will" means. Although she does not use the phrase, it is readily apparent that she feels the events she describes unfolded in accordance with "God's will" not only for her parents' lives, but for all involved.

For those reasons, I do recommend The Devil in Pew Number Seven.

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JHSiess, Esq. blogs about life, death and everything that happens between, including writing, blogging, social justice, and book reviews at Colloquium.

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Monday, November 19, 2012

How to Create a Memoir Outline

Memoirs aren't too hard to write, but initially many people can find them rather daunting. In order to eliminate any stress involved with wring them, it is advisable to start by creating a memoir outline. An outline will help you to better organize your thoughts on the specific person you are discussing. Your outline can even be about specific thoughts or feelings related to that person as long as it makes sense with the rest of what you will be discussing.

You are not writing about everything in a person's life in a memoir as you would be in a biography.

A memoir is more like a detailed summary about certain aspects of a person's life. They are easy to write because they are typically focused on a certain aspect of a person and their accomplishments. This makes memoirs very specific and less of a hassle to write in comparison to other forms of documentation. There is still some research involved with memoirs however.

How to Create a Memoir Outline

When doing research for a memoir and preparing your outline, gather only the information you will need. If the memoir is about yourself, then you won't have much research to do. Nevertheless, if the memoir is about a relative or a colleague, you will have to supply more information that you may not know off the top of your head. This is true for any piece of writing you do that you do not fully understand or have general knowledge about.

The best way to organize a memoir outline when gathering information is to do it chronologically. You can for example, start by listing dates of important events. It won't be necessary to elaborate these events any further in your outline. The best idea is to make a mental note of them and the order in which they occurred. Once you've obtained these facts, you can start taking notes about the theme of your memoir, which is basically like the story you wish to tell. Finding a starting point is usually the most important part of a memoir because it can help lead to a creative opening.

Last but not least, don't be afraid to expand on certain parts of the story that are more interesting. People will be more likely to enjoy the memoir when they can relate to certain events and topics you choose to discuss. Don't forget to let the story you are telling flow naturally. By following these simple tips, writing a memoir outline can be made simpler!

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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

A Long Way Gone - Memoirs of a Boy Soldier

Literature Reflection

Reflection 1

Writing can be a very effective tool in helping to understand a problem. By writing a problem out on paper you can see it in its entirety. You have the opportunity to see the beginning, middle, and end all at the same time. When you are living in a problem you only focus on the events that are happening at that moment. You don't have the opportunity to step back and see how that event will affect something else, how it could change you. When you write the whole problem out you see how the little events interact with each other and how the end result got to be.

A Long Way Gone - Memoirs of a Boy Soldier

Writing can be a big help in finding a way to work through and fix problems. You can use it as a way to heal yourself and understand why the problem had to take place. I personally use writing as a way to get all of my problems physically out of my head. Usually once I see my problem neatly laid out on paper (usually in the form of a poem) I can find a way to worth through the problem. Ishmael used writing as a way to bring himself back into a time when he was happy, when everything was right. He was able to rediscover his "childhood that was almost lost." When I write the ideas, thoughts, my worries, just all my emotions just flow onto the page. Most of the time I don't know what I'm going to write about until it is there in front of me. I find that writing helps me fix my problems by first showing me what they are.

Writing can be used in many different ways, but there is a way that could help anyone. Writing can either take you back to a time that you wish you could return to, or it can take you to a place you wish you could go to. Writing can just take you away. Writing can bring you peace, it can clear your head, and it can make almost everything better, even if it is just a little bit. Writing is a great took to start the healing process. My personal writing has saved me mentally from many situations. It has freed my mind.

Reflection 2

A Long Way Gone was written by a college student about his life, mostly of when he was a young child. Many people have a hard time regarding this material as truth. They don't believe that one would be able to remember that much in that much detail. These people will admit that the horrible events did actually take place, but aren't sure if ever detail is correct. They wonder how much we can actually trust what we read.

There are certain events in a person's life that they can't forget. Even if they would like to, it is imprinted on their minds. The events that Ishmael talks about are those very types of events. How could a person forget that? He tries to block them out, but over and over again he tells us about the dreams he has from his days in the army. He will never be able to fully recover from what he suffered. Ishmael also talks about a time when his father would give him something special that was supposed to help their memories for their tests in class. Ishmael isn't sure it actually worked, but he talks about how he could remember everything almost as if it were a "photograph" in his mind. Ishmael has a very wonderful memory; I especially don't feel like he could forget such dramatic and horrific events as the ones he suffered through as a boy soldier.

I feel that we should regard memoirs such as A Long Way Gone as truth. We should keep in mind that some of the edges of memory fade over time; some little detail may have slightly changed, but that the whole story as a whole is true. We need to look at all the information we receive critically, but honestly. Look at the reason the book, passage, lecture, or memoir was written.

Reflection 3

A Long Way Gone makes us look at war in a way none of us wish to. We have all seen war portrayed in movies, in the media and books, mostly from an outside perspective. This powerful book makes us look at war from the eyes of one scared boy participating it in. He is forced to participate just to survive. We see it from a whole new set of eyes. He doesn't sugar coat the situation, making it seem better then it is. He just tells us straight out what he saw and what he felt. Through Ishmael's eye's we see inhumanity towards other men, suffering of the innocent, and what all this fighting can do each person.

Ishmael was taught to kill with out emotion. He was taught not to look at the person and decide with compassion, but to just look at the situation. They taught him the situation was desperate and the only way to survive would be to obliterate the competition. They gave him no hope for a compromise. It was their way or death.

If I was placed in that kind of situation I would have a hard time. I would have a huge struggle against my will to be able to just take a human life with no thought behind it. I would personally think about it to much. Ishmael and the other soldiers just saw the rebels as something in the way of their goal, something to be destroyed, not as another human being. They had that thought imprinted so deeply in their mind some never could get it out.

My future would be dramatically affected if I had been forced into that sort of conflict. I would never be able to get those imagines out of my head. I wouldn't know how to move on with life. Ishmael found a way to be happy. I would struggle with the memories of the pain I had caused. Ishmael was strong because he found a way he could live again.

Reflection 4

Ishmael's friend began to ask him about his past. They asked if he had "witness[ed] some of the fighting." He replied, "Everyone in the country did." They asked him, "You mean you saw people running around with guns and shooting each other?" He told them that he saw that "all the time." His friend thought that was "cool." Ishmael then smiled to himself about what they thought.

People have a tendency to glamorize things such a war and fighting. I'm sure that if Ishmael's friends read this book and saw it through the eyes of one that had actually taken part in the fighting they would feel differently. They would have to see the pain and destruction that something they thought was "cool" caused.

Everything in someone's past helps to shape their future; whether that is for good or for bad is up to them. Your past helps shape your future. You can let your past either build you and your future into something you want, or you can let it destroy all you have worked for. It's all up to you. You can't change your past. You can only change how you will let it affect your future. There are some things you need hold close and cherish, and other things you need to leave behind. Every person is different and what they need is unique.

We have the ability to be whoever and whatever we wish to become. We are the master painter sitting before his pearly canvas. Our past is the brush, we have the choice where it moves and how it moves. The paint is our future. It is new and slowly starts to show the grand picture. We have to decide how we want our painting to turn out. What we have done can't be redone, but we can use it to shape the picture into something beautiful. We have the capacity to create wonderful beautiful creations. We just have to believe, be brave enough to pick up the paint brush.

Reflection 5

Ishmael turned to music when he needed something. He let it touch him and take him away from everything. Ishmael had a passion for Rap music. He had a love for the stories behind the music. He let the music take over his mind and body. He loved to just sing and dance to the beat.

Music has always been a huge influence in my life. Whether I was playing or listening it has always touched my soul. Music is so full of expression and emotion. It has a way to say exactly what I was feeling without me knowing it. There is always music for every situation and mood. Whether I need to listen to beautiful inspiring music while I was writing, something that told a story full of emotion and wonder with out the use of words; or need something with a little more spirit behind it to lift me out a funk, music is there. I have never been left alone when I could find music. There has always been something there when I needed it.

Music has a very powerful way of touching the soul. It penetrates deep into a person like nothing else in the world can. Music can touch people everywhere. You don't need to understand the words, or even have words in order to feel the power music can bring. Music can inspire and lift the very soul. Music takes us away. It mesmerizes the very soul. Music is medication for the heart and soul. The notes can lift us up and carry us on a wondrous journey if only we will allow them to, if only we can allow the music to touch our very souls and feel the healing contained there.

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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Dream New Dreams: Reimagining My Life After Loss by Jai Pausch-Memoir Book Review

On September 18, 2007 Randy Pausch delivered his world-renowned speech entitled The Last Lecture. Pausch was a professor of computer science at Pittsburgh's Carnegie Mellon University; and had been diagnosed with adenocarcinoma, a terminal form of pancreatic cancer. The Last Lecture urged people to live life to the fullest.

Pausch is survived by his wife Jai, and three children, Dylan, Logan, and Chloe. Through Randy's cancer journey, Jai discovered that most cancer support and resources focus mainly on the patient; and few acknowledge the caregiver.

Dream New Dreams is Jai Pausch's debut book, validating the challenges of cancer patient caregivers. She captures a poignant, behind-the-scenes look at the pain Randy endured, and its toll on the Pausch family. Ultimately, she describes both her personal and familial rebirth while honoring the legacy of Randy Pausch.

Dream New Dreams: Reimagining My Life After Loss by Jai Pausch-Memoir Book Review

Jai met Randy when she was a graduate student at the University of North Carolina in 1998; and he was a visiting professor from Pittsburgh's Carnegie Mellon University. Their long distance love affair resulted in marriage on May 20, 2000, and a Pittsburgh homestead. The couple bore three children within five years. The family was living in bliss until that fateful call from Randy's doctor, Labor Day weekend, 2006.

Once diagnosed, Randy chose to participate in two months of cancer clinical trials in Houston; and wanted Jai to be his primary caregiver. Logistically, it was unwise to uproot the children for that timeline, so Jai compromised. Monday through Friday she cared for Randy in Houston; and flew home weekends to be with her children.

Randy's care presented other challenges too. During most of his illness, he refused to use a wheelchair, making the simplest travel arduous; and he insisted that Jai learn his complex Excel spreadsheet techniques to monitor the family finances. When he suggested adoption for their four-month-old daughter, Chloe, to ease Jai's burdens, Jai acknowledged the extreme stress of cancer causing Randy to make such ill-conceived statements.

Despite Randy's intricate needs, Jai continued to go solo, including cooking meals from scratch. She eventually realized she needed help. "I came to understand that being strong doesn't mean not asking for help, nor does it mean not being scared."

Clinical trials completed, it appeared Randy had a fighting chance at survival. However, a follow-up appointment in August 2007 confirmed his tumor recurrence and growth to other organs. Surgery wasn't an option; and the couple faced the grim reality that Randy would soon die.

Understandably, Randy became consumed with his disease, wanting to educate the public about pancreatic cancer. In March 2008, he petitioned Congress for greater funding for the National Cancer Institute and pancreatic cancer research. Jai vacillated between supporting Randy's efforts, as more media pursued his message; and wanting him to spend precious time with his children. As Randy relished the attention, his health continued to decline.

On July 25 2008, Randy died. Jai's natural grieving process spawned, what she calls, a Year of Firsts. They included solely planned trips with the children, Christmas traditions without Randy; and tennis lessons, which she found to be energizing and therapeutic. During her court time, she wasn't Randy's widow or the Pausch children's mother, but Jai Pausch. "This is something we all need: a life outside and beyond one role, whether that role is a webmaster or stay-at-home mom," she says.

A new mantra guides Jai's life: Dream new dreams. "When a dream shatters, you should pick up the pieces and create a new one. It won't be the same as the broken one, but you can hope it will be as vibrant and exciting."

Although Randy is deceased, spiritually he thrives among the Pausch family and universe. Jai has learned to reinvent herself while still caring for her children. She's now a member of the national board of directors of the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network and recently remarried.

Dream New Dreams, while humanizing the devastating toll of cancer, is a story of hope well worth the read.

Jai Pausch advocates the Johns Hopkins caregiver video series called Walking On Eggshells. You can view it at:

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Timothy Zaun is a blogger, speaker and freelance writer. Visit him online at

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Thursday, September 6, 2012

Sydney Sheldon - Author Biographies

Sidney Sheldon was born Sidney Schechtel on February 11, 1917 in Chicago, Illinois. His mother was Natalie Marcus, a Russian Jewish immigrant with no formal education, but loved books and classical music. His father, Ascher (Otto), took many different jobs as he moved the family from town to town. He bragged that he had never read a book in his life.

Sydney was married to Jorja Curtright, an on stage and film actress and later an interior decorator for over 30 years. They had a daughter, Mary, who also became a published novelist. Jorja died in 1985. Sydney married former child actress, Alexandra Kostoff in 1989.

Even as he was growing up, Sidney loved to read and spent a lot of time at the library. He says he always knew he wanted to be a writer. When he was 10, he wrote and submitted a poem to the popular children's magazine, "Wee Wisdom", in a poetry contest, and won . When he was 12, he wrote and put on a play for his English class, his favorite subject.

Sydney Sheldon - Author Biographies

Sydney attended Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois where he took a full load of classes, joined the debating team, worked as a busboy in the cafeteria and took a job at the college newspaper, doing minor celebrity interviews. This was the height of the depression and money was tight and jobs were scarce. So Sydney left college to seek more work.

He moved to Hollywood, California in 1937 and took a job as a reader for movie studios along with various other jobs. Sidney did a stint in the Army Air Corp and served as a pilot, during WWII. When he left the military he headed for New York where he worked as a songwriter and a Broadway Playwright. He wrote 25 films and had three musical hits.

Sydney Sheldon moved back to California and as television became a hot commodity in the 1960's, Sidney wrote and produced the sitcom, "The Patty Duke Show", starring young Patty Duke. He also created, wrote and produced the "I Dream of Jeannie", starring Barbara Eden and Larry Hagman, and "Hart to Hart", starring Stefanie Powers and Robert Wagner.

Sydney went from screenwriter to author when he was 50 years old. His first novel, "The Naked Face", was published in 1970 after being turned down by five publishers. The novel became a best seller and won an "Edgar Allan Poe Award." He went on to write many best selling novels. So far twenty six of his novels were turned into movies.

When Sydney was 85, he published his autobiography, "The Other Side of Me." He opened the book with the story of his attempted suicide when he was 17. Sidney's father walked in on him. His father, forever a salesman, talked him out of it.

Sidney Sheldon died on January 30, 2007 in Rancho Mirage, California at the age of 89. He has been called a humble man, warm, gracious and one of the most prolific writers of his time.


The Naked Face (1970)
A Stranger in the Mirror (1976)
Bloodline (1978)
Rage of Angels (1980)
Master of the Game (1982)
If Tomorrow Comes (1985)
Windmills of the Gods (1987)
The Sands of Times (1988)
The Doomsday Conspiracy (1991)
The Stars Shine Down (1992)
Nothing Lasts Forever (1994)
Morning, Noon and Night (1995)
The Best Laid Plans (1997)
Tell Me Your Dreams (1998)
The Sky is Falling (2000)
Are You Afraid of the Dark? (2004)
Mistress of the Game (2009) (with Tilly Bagshawe)

The Other Side of Midnight (1974)
Memories of Midnight (1990)

Bloodline/A Stranger in the Mirror/Naked Face (1992)
The Dark Side of Midnight (2007)

Roman Candle (1960)
The Bachelor and the Bobbysoxer (1961)

Childrens Books:
Adventures of Drippy: The Runaway Raindrop (1995)
Fun With Drippy Activity Book (1996)
Fun With Drippy the Runaway Raindrop (2004)

The Other Side of Me (2005)

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I am a voracious reader and decided to write biographies starting with my favorite authors. To read more author biographies, please go to: More author biographies

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Sunday, September 2, 2012

Prosecutor and Novelist, Linda Fairstein, Author Biographies

Fairstein is a Fellow of the American college of Trial Lawyers and for 30 years she ran the Sex Crimes Unit of the District Attorneys Office in Manhattan. She left that office in 2002. During her tenure, she helped to prosecute several high profile and controversial cases including the Robert Chambers' "Preppy Murder" case in 1986.

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Linda was born on May 5,1947 in Mount Vernon, New York. She graduated from Vassar College in 1969 with a B.A. in English Literature. Upon graduating from the University of Virginia Law in 1972, she joined the Manhattan District Attorney's Office as an Assistant District Attorney.

In 2004, Linda was named in a 10 million dollar lawsuit against the state of New York by Dr. Oliver Jovanovic. Dr. Jovanovic, a biologist, was convicted in 1998, for the kidnapping, sexual abuse and assault of a college student that he had met on the internet. His case was overturned in 1999, siting an unfair trial.

Prosecutor and Novelist, Linda Fairstein, Author Biographies

Linda Fairstein draws on her legal expertise for her series character, Alexandra Cooper, a Manhattan prosecutor. Linda says she writes her series in the first person because, "I want them 'the readers' to see victimization and then hopefully the result in the courtroom from Alex's perspective." Linda's first Alex Cooper novel, 'Final Jeopardy,' was made into an ABC television movie starring Dana Delaney.

Linda says that people that aren't very bright probably commit 90% of crimes in this country. She says that in her books, she may invent the murders, but the motives of the murders come from the motives in real cases. She says she has never written about any of her actual cases.

Linda centers all her novels in notable places around New York City. She states, "I just love having places that are real and very rich with history, and then I let my imagination loose." She says she wants each book to be an entertaining escapism, and for the reader to come away learning something new. She said for her, writing the first hundred pages is equivalent to having a root canal but after 200 pages, it's smooth sailing.

Linda loves to collect historical trivia, antique jewelry, desk and writing objects. She collects first edition books, particularly of crime and mystery genre. She also collects nineteenth century British Literature. She loves reading mysteries and her favorite television show is CSI Special Victims Unit.

Linda and her husband, Justin Feldman, live in Manhattan and have a home in Martha's Vineyard where they go each year for four months. She has a separate cottage where she plots and writes. Linda says that being a writer has been her passion since high school.

Linda is still a lawyer and takes a few cases for victims of violent crimes, usually pro bono. She also does consulting and is a keynote speaker lecturing on sex crimes and domestic violence.

Books by Linda Firestein:


Alex Cooper:
Final Jeopardy (1994)
Likely to Die (1997)
Cold Hit (1999)
The Deadhouse (2001)
The Bone Vault (2003)
The Kills (2004)
Entombed (2005)
Death Dance (2006)
Bad Blood (2007)
Killer Heat (2008)
Lethal Legacy (2009)

Final Jeopardy/Likely to Die (2004)
Cold Hit/The Deadhouse (2005)

I'd Kill for That (2004) (with Rita Mae Brown, Jennifer Cruise, Lisa Gardner, Heather Graham, Kay Hooper, Katherine Neville, Anne Perry, Kathy Reichs, Julie Smith and Tina Wainscott)
Hell Gate (2010)

Non Fiction:
Sexual Violence: Our War Against Rape (1993)
The Best American Crime Reporting 2007 (2007) (with Otto Penzler)

Prosecutor and Novelist, Linda Fairstein, Author Biographies

Elizabeth is a product of the Midwest and now lives in Arizona. She is passionate about books especially of the suspense, biography and auto biography genres. To view Elizabeth blog and read more great biographies, go to

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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Lawrence Sanders, Author Biographies

Best selling American author, Lawrence Sanders was born on March 15, 1920 in Brooklyn, New York but grew up in the Midwest. He attended Wabash College in Indiana and earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in journalism in 1940. After moving back to New York, Lawrence enlisted in the United States Marine Corp and served from 1943 to 1946.

Lawrence took a variety of jobs including writing and editing for various magazines, including Science and Mechanic. Several of his short stories mysteries were published in Swank Magazine in 1968-1969.

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In 1970, at the age of 50, Lawrence Sanders first novel, The Anderson Tapes, was published and won The Edgar Award for best first mystery novel. This award is a highly coveted and the most prestigious award given out by the Mystery Writers Association.

Lawrence Sanders, Author Biographies

Lawrence Sanders went on to write fiction full time. With the Anderson Tapes, we are introduced to Edward X. Delaney, a tough New York Investigator. Other Lawrence Sanders series characters are Archy McNally, Timothy Cone and Peter Tangent. Then there are the Commandment protagonists, Dora Conti, Samuel Todd and Joshua Bigg.

Besides his series, Mr. Sanders wrote 15 stand alone novels before publishing his memoirs, The Sins of Lawrence Sanders in 1984.

Lawrence Sanders died in Pompano Beach, Florida on February 7, 1998. There was some controversy concerning his Archy McNally Series. Who actually wrote the first books? Did Sanders and Vincent Lardo write the books together? Was Vincent Lardo the true author? Or, was he (as claimed) commissioned by Lawrence Sanderís estate to continue the writing.



Edward S. Delaney
The Anderson Tapes (1970)
The First Deadly Sin (1973)
The Second Daily Sin (1973)
The Third Deadly Sin (1981)
The Fourth Deadly Sin (1985)
Peter Tangent
The Tangent Factor (1976)
The Tangent Objective (1976)


The Sixth Commandment (1978)
The Tenth Commandment (1980)
The Eighth Commandment (1986)
The Seventh Commandment (1991)

Timothy Cone

The Timothy Files (1987)
Timothyís Game (1988)

Archy McNally

McNallyís Secret (1991)
McNallyís Luck (1992)
McNallyís Risk (1993) (With Vincent Lardo)
McNallyís Caper (1994)
McNallyís Trial (1995)
McNallyís Puzzle (6)
McNallyís Gamble (1997) (With Vincent Lardo)
McNallyís Dilemma (1999) (With Vincent Lardo)
McNallyís Folly (2000) (With Vincent Lardo)
McNallyís Chance (2001) (With Vincent Lardo)
McNallyís Alibi (2002) (With Vincent Lardo)
McNallyís Dare (2003) (With Vincent Lardo)
McNallyís Bluff (2004) (With Vincent Lardo)
McNallyís Files (Novella) (2006)


The Pleasures of Helen (1971)
Love Songs (1972)
The Tomorrow File (1975)
The Marlow Chronicles (1977)
Caper (1980) (written as Leslie Andress)
The Dark Summer (1980) (written as Mark Upton)
The Case of Lucy Bending (1982)
The Seduction of Peter S. (1983)
The Passion of Molly T. (1984)
The Loves of Harry Dancer (1985)
The Dream Lover (1986)
Tales of the Wolf (1986)
Capital Crimes (1989)
Stolen Blessings (1990)
Sullivanís Sting (1990)
Private Pleasures (1993)
Guilty Pleasures (1998)
Non Fiction
The Sins of Lawrence Sanders (1984)

Short Stories:

Published in Swank Magazine
Manhattan after Dark
The Rogue Man
The Bloody Triangle
The Man Who Didn't Come Back
The Woman in the Lake
The String of Blues
The Case of the Purloined Princess
Death of a Model
The Girl in the Office
The Curse of the Upper Classes
The Ice Gang
An Introduction to Murder
The Case of the Missing Nude

Lawrence Sanders, Author Biographies

I am a voracious reader and decided to write biographies starting with my favorite authors. To read more author biographies, please go to:
More author biographies

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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Formats for Writing Life Narratives

Q and A.

Best choice when subject is very verbal or there are two or more people being
interviewed or taped at the same time. All repetitive statements, umms, ahhs and blatant
incorrect grammar are edited out. Natural patterns of speech, coloquolisms and favorite sayings
are left in.

Biographies Memoirs

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JHW. When you started your business in 1934, how did you finance it?

Formats for Writing Life Narratives

BT. Well, remember my uncle Horace? He was my Mother's brother.

HT. Half brother.

BT.. OK, so half brother, her father remarried after Sybil, my grandmother, died and my mother was a little girl
about nine or ten. His second wife, what was her name?

HT.Alice May Jones, her family had moved west to build the dam.

BT.. So anyway, Horace was killed in a train wreck when he was visiting in California and as he had never married,
the insurance settlement went to his next of kin, which turned out to be my mother. She wanted to invest the money
and came to us and asked our advice. I told her that I had been thinking of opening this repair shop and I thought I
could make a go of it. She thought about it long and hard and came back the next day and said she would rather
invest in us than any old bank.

HT. But we paid her back with interest. We were able to put the business in the black in only three years.

BT. Of course, we worked our butts off, didn't we?

First person: Best choice when the tapes will need significant editing to make a flowing
narrative. It is written as if the speaker were doing the writing. The interviewer simply ghost
writes the life story.

I loved being a mother. It seemed as if that was the role God had created just for me. Other women would complain
about their children being messy or noisy, and I honestly didn't even care. I just loved to be there when they came
home from school. About two o'clock I would start to get antsy, just couldn't wait for them to come in the door,
throw down their jackets and books and sit at the kitchen table and talk. I even loved cleaning up after them when
they were sick. I know that is hard to believe for some people, but I used to say to myself "well, I would rather have
it out here smelling bad than inside of them making them feel bad."

Third Person: Best choice if the subject is having difficulty remembering or if the interviewer
has to gain the majority of the facts from records, other family members or others who can add
insight and information.
Jennie was a fun loving little girl and definitely the apple of Tom B. Bradshaw, her loving father's eye as
well as the object of his generosity. But one time, when she was about six years old that generous and loving spirit
was put to a test. Active in the first Methodist church, their entire family enjoyed the Sunday school picnics held
every summer in the park east of town. On this particular day, the family had no sooner arrived and began eating
when a group of little girls came to the table demanding to see the elephant Mr. Bradshaw brought.

Methods of telling the story:

It is best to think of a life as a long strand of pearls with each year or significant event as one

o An autobiography tells the jest of the whole necklace, usually in a chronological order.
Chapters, special events, decades, houses or any other natural division can separate the

o A memoir takes an important section of the pearls and makes a short necklace. You can
refer to the other beads, but you don't go into detail describing them but concentrate on the
significant period of time you are describing.

o An anthology is a collection of short unrelated stories, essays, anecdotes, incidences etc. that
are gathered together in one book The stories may build upon one another or they may be
able to stand on their own.

o A photoscribe is a more in depth scrapbook. The stories revolve around a photo or two.

Each page has a beginning, middle and end.

Including photos, graphics and memorabilia

These additions to the narrative greatly enhance the readability and value of the project.
However, they also greatly enhance the time needed to do layout, scanning, sizing etc. that will
be reflected in the cost of the finished project. One method of saving money is to group all
photos in the center of the book.

Formats for Writing Life Narratives

If you are interested in taking a tele-class on memoir writing please send us an e-mail at and we will set one up. It is a fun way to learn and share from the comfort of your own home.

Keep Writing!!! You are doing an important work.

©Judy H. Wright, Personal and Oral Historian -

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